Our 29th Annual General Meeting was duly convened on 11 December 2020 (i.e. last Friday).

Dr. LEONG Che Hung, Chairman, shared a few highlights at the Annual General Meeting:

  1. The Foundation maintained core services and extended the service scopes (including launch of the Integrated Service and Preventive Education Centre and self-test kit) amid the COVID-19 pandemic;
  2. Hong Kong AIDS Foundation is the only Hong Kong HIV-related non-governmental organization recognized by the Government of the P.R.C. in the Greater China Region; we would further strengthen our collaborations with various organizations in the region on HIV / AIDS issues in the days ahead; and
  3. The Government of the HKSAR should take a more proactive approach to cope with HIV/AIDS in order to erase all discrimination / stigmatization in the society.

Dr. LEONG expressed great gratitude to various supporting units, including Gilead Sciences Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc., The Council for the AIDS Trust Fund, The Hong Kong Jockey Club, donors and volunteers for their generous and dedicated contributions to our work.

Group Photo_With Staff