
The march of AIDS has no boundaries, affecting every part of the world, causing millions of death and devastating the economic, healthcare and social system of many places. In the fight against HIV/AIDS, collaboration with counterparts including those elsewhere is important.

In the Local Community

The Foundation joined the Hong Kong Coalition of AIDS Service Organisations in 1998 as a member. Staff of the Foundation have been sitting on the committee(s) and task forces under the Advisory Council on AIDS. Besides, many of the Foundation’s programmes were and are organised in partnership with different non-governmental organisations, business corporations and public bodies.

Collaboration with Mainland China

To help the Mainland accelerate its response to HIV/AIDS, the Foundation started in 1990s to work closely with counterparts across the border. Through collaboration with different organisations, governmental and non-governmental, the Foundation has been providing capacity building and technical support for Mainland AIDS workers in different provinces and offering participants a platform to share with and learn from each other.

To strengthen collaboration with Mainland colleagues on HIV prevention, the Foundation together with the Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control, set up a Collaborating Centre in Beijing in November 2007.

To know more about our work on the Mainland, please visit

International and Regional Collaboration

The Foundation has been taking active participation in various international and regional AIDS conferences. Since 1996, the Foundation has held numerous satellite symposiums during regional or international AIDS conferences to provide a forum for participants to develop programmes and other initiatives that are effective in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Chinese community.

To join the global fight against HIV/AIDS, the Foundation has been taking part in work of regional and international organisations such as UNAIDS, Global Fund, WHO and AIDS Society for Asia and the Pacific.

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